| ![]() DOE-STD-3003-2000
Management shall ensure
the potential for failure when a loss of normal
adequate training to qualify
power occurs. Maintenance records provide
maintenance personnel.
essential information for evaluating the
effectiveness of the maintenance program.
Management shall identify
The maintenance records should be
performance indicators and
comprehensive and well organized to
criteria to be utilized to measure
facilitate ready retrieval of information for
equipment, systems, and
analysis. The following should be included in
personnel effectiveness in
the maintenance records as appropriate:
maintenance activities. (Additional
guidance to be used in formulating
All inspection and maintenance
performance goals may be found
in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.160.)
Start Reliability (IEEE Std 762
Management shall periodically
All failures, during either testing or
evaluate the effectiveness of the
operation, or during walkdowns
maintenance program
Failure analysis and identified cause(s)
(recommended minimum
Corrective action(s)
frequency - 18 months).
Out-of-service time
All part replacements Qualification of maintenance
Critical or selected operating
personnel. DOE 4330.4 provides
parameters (for trending)
requirements for qualification and training of
maintenance personnel. The required level of Maintenance Data. A set of
qualification of maintenance personnel
depends on the level and type of involvement
operating data should be recorded
in maintenance activities. Important aspects
periodically according to manufacturer's
such as safety practices, failure analysis,
recommendations. The data should be
inspection, control adjustments, testing,
recorded for standard operating conditions.
calibration, disassembly, and parts
This data is used to determine trends in
replacement require appropriate training and
operating performance as a basis for
experience. Training should include specific
predictive maintenance actions, and is a
manufacturer's operating and maintenance
ready reference for maintenance and
manuals and the plant procedures to be
manufacturer personnel in servicing the
followed when performing testing and
maintenance as well as specific training on
identical or similar equipment to be
5.1.5 Testing. The requirements below
maintained. When maintenance is provided
shall be applied to all testing of BACKUP
by an offsite contractor, that contractor's
personnel shall have equivalent training and
qualification. Test Procedures. Test
procedures for BACKUP POWER SOURCES Maintenance records.
shall include acceptance criteria, review and
approval blocks for critical steps,
Maintenance activities shall be documented
prerequisites, precautions, and other sections
and records maintained and utilized. DOE
to record the information identified in
4330.4 provides requirements for records.
An example of a maintenance/test procedure
Maintenance records provide the
with associated data sheets is included in
performance history of a BACKUP POWER
Appendix II.
SOURCE and its associated support
systems. They are also used to establish
parts replacement intervals that will reduce
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