| ![]() DOE-STD-3003-2000
transfer device features can be found in Test records. All test activities
NFPA 110 and IEEE Std 446.
shall be recorded and records retained. The
records should identify the date, time, names
NFPA 37 should be used for new EG
of test personnel, type of test procedure
installations and those portions of existing
conducted, "as found" and "as left"
equipment and installations that are changed
conditions, values of monitored parameters,
or modified. Appendix I provides several
length of test, unusual conditions, test results
recommendations to improve diesel
(comparison of data to criteria), and
generator reliability that should be considered
description of any failures for each BACKUP
when modifying existing or developing new
POWER SOURCE. Failures shall be defined
in terms of the BACKUP POWER
SOURCE'S documented requirements. Test,
5.2.1 EG capabilities. Consideration of
operating, and maintenance logs for all
environmental, load, and other design factors
one comprehensive document or computer
at the specific location of the EG shall be in
data base readily retrievable and available to
accordance with NFPA 110. The following
maintenance and operating organizations
paragraphs apply when specifying
responsible for BACKUP POWER
requirements for EGs to ensure their
SOURCES. Preferably, the document should
functional performance.
be kept at the facility or site level. The
identity of information (data) related to each Environmental and load
conditions. The EG shall have the capability
to perform its required functions over the
specified range of conditions during and
5.2 EG Requirements. This section
subsequent to the loss of normal power.
These conditions shall have documented
covers the EG and those associated systems
operating ranges and performance indicators
necessary for its functioning. It does not
and shall include the following:
include the electrical network to which it is
attached beyond the generator OUTPUT
Temperature of the EG and
BREAKER. An EG unit includes the engine,
necessary auxiliaries including
generator, starting system, automatic and
expected ambient extremes and
manual controls, lubricating oil system,
temperature rise due to the EG
cooling water system (if not self-contained,
operation at maximum loading
up to the supply valves), starting energy
source (if not dedicated, from the connection
Combustion air quality (range of
points on the unit), fuel supply system, and
atmospheric pressure,
generator OUTPUT BREAKER (refer to
temperature, humidity, and
IEEE-387 Std, Figure 1). Other components
are necessary for reliability and the continued
operation of the EG and are discussed in this
Auxiliary equipment extremes and
Standard. For the purposes of determining
quality (electrical, lubrication,
an EG unit failure, however, they should be
Type and quality of fuel
Automatic transfer devices are often part of a
Backup Power System. Their purpose is to
Expected operating cycles and
automatically transfer loads between the
hours for the design lifetime (this
normal power source and the BACKUP
should include periodic testing,
POWER SOURCE upon loss or restoration
estimated troubleshooting, and
of the normal power source. Information on
loss of power demands)
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