| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-95
leader to the approval authority as designated in the ORR plans-of-action. In most instances, the
ORR Final Report will be forwarded in support of the Readiness to Proceed Memorandum.
The team will also prepare a lessons learned report concerning the ORR and the ORR process. The
lessons learned may be part of the ORR Final Report but must be in a format to stand alone for use by
other ORR teams and team leaders. Through these lessons learned continuous improvement of the
ORR process will be achieved.
5.5 Documentation of the ORR Results (Both Responsible Contractor and DOE). The validity
of, and the ability to defend, the results of an ORR will depend in large part on the thoroughness with
which the process and the observations are documented. The record of the ORR must be clear as to
what was evaluated and the methodology used during the evaluation. The criteria in the
Implementation Plan are the "what." The record must clearly record the "how" that leads to the
conclusions reached concerning the particular criteria. The Implementation Plan will specify a
standardized method to record the assessment process for each criteria including what was inspected,
what records were reviewed, who was interviewed, and what procedures were observed. Form 1 (see
Appendix 4) is a sample Assessment Form which can be utilized to describe the steps in the criteria
evaluation process.
The Implementation Plan will also provide a standardized method to identify deficiencies to the
requirements identified within the criteria. Each deficiency, commonly called a "finding" must be
clearly described. The finding must describe what is deficient, the reference to which it is deficient,
and be written in a manner permitting correction. Prior to being published, each finding should be
identified as to whether or not, in the opinion of the ORR team leadership, it must be resolved as a
prerequisite to start of operations. It may also be appropriate to identify the level of management (i.e.
contractor, DOE Field, or DOE HQ) at which the finding should be closed. While the ORR team may
assist management in reviewing the action taken on a finding, responsibility for closure should reside
with line management . The Implementation Plan should describe the closure process and include the
form of the closure documentation. Form 2 (see Appendix 4) is a sample Deficiency Form which may
be specified to identify findings. Form 3 (see Appendix 4) may be specified as the required
documentation to describe corrective action and close the finding.
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