| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-95
requirement (CR) from which each core objective is derived is indicated in parens following the
statement of the core objective (CO). ORR Prerequisites. Defining the prerequisite conditions to be met by the facility
management prior to the start of the ORR (appropriate for both the responsible contractor ORR as
well as the DOE ORR) is an important element of a successful ORR. The process by which the
contractor separates gaining readiness through management actions, and verifying readiness through
the ORR process should be reflected in the prerequisite requirements. The contractor ORR plan-of-
action prerequisites must address each core requirement of DOE 0 425.1. The DOE ORR plan-of-
action prerequisites should include readiness of DOE management and Operations Office programs
and assigned personnel to monitor facility operations. Adequate detail should be included to permit
an understanding of exactly which programs and personnel are considered essential to adequate
oversight of the facility or process for start or restart. The prerequisite section of both the contractor
and DOE ORR plans-of-action should refer to specific items such as a project management plan, a
readiness self-assessment plan, a compliance assessment program, safety documentation such as
SAR, TSR, etc. or environmental assessments or impact studies. The prerequisites should be
described in terms of specific measurable items. Estimated ORR Start Date and Duration. The date is for planning purposes only and
should be the best estimate. Identification of a date is not to infer that the ORR start will be schedule
driven rather than readiness driven. The DOE ORR estimated start dates, as well as the contractor
ORR schedule, should be provided for information in the Contractor ORR plan-of-action to assist
DOE management in planning for the DOE ORR. Proposed ORR Team Leader. The individual must have the necessary independence
with the required experience and technical background consistent with the complexity of the facility
and the specific ORR. The individual must meet the criteria discussed in Section 5.1 for the
responsible contractor ORR and Section 5.4 for the DOE ORR. Requirement for Senior Advisors. Senior advisors are only required for DOE ORRs. In
many instances senior advisors may not be required, particularly if the team leader has significant
ORR experience. On other occasions, a single senior advisor to assist the team leader may be
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