| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-95 New Start Discussion. The following elements or details of the facility should be
included to support or create the basis for the recommended decisions:
o Hazard categorization for new facility and basis for the designation (criticality, explosive,
chemical, environmental, etc); and
o Acquisition costs for new facility or process. Restart Discussion . If the action is a restart of an existing facility or process, the
following information should be provided to support the follow on decisions:
o Hazard categorization of the facility once restarted and basis for determination (criticality,
explosive, chemical, environmental, etc.). In the event that no formal hazard categorization has
been made, a discussion of the relative hazard is appropriate;
o Cause for shutdown;
o Duration of shutdown;
o Repairs accomplished during shutdown period;
o Modifications accomplished during shutdown period and affect of the approved safety basis;
o Any anticipated process changes following restart. Proposed Breadth for the ORR. This is a key section in both responsible contractor and
DOE plans-of-action. The breadth will be the top tier core requirements. The breadth should be
derived starting with the minimum core requirements listed in DOE 0 425.1. The discussion should
support the decision to eliminate any core requirements based on recent, independent appraisals in the
excluded areas. The DOE ORR plan-of-action breadth will consider the contractor ORR as well as
DOE management and oversight programs.
When developing the breadth of the ORR or a Readiness Assessment, it may be useful to consider a
breakdown of the core requirements defined in DOE 0 425.1. Such a breakdown has been provided in
Appendix 2. Experience with ORRs and RAs has shown that subdividing the core requirements into
core objectives facilitated definition of the review breadth as well as the development of Criteria and
Review Approaches. The Core Objectives retain all the elements of the core requirements. The core
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