| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-95
b. The actions proposed in the action plan developed, submitted, and approved with the original
completion schedule.
c. A brief description of the actual corrective actions taken and reasons for concluding that closure
has been achieved and how referenced documents support closure. The referenced documents or
excerpted objective evidence from these documents illustrating the corrective actions, and the dates of
the actions should also be included, consistent with the auditability requirements of section d.
d. Signatures of appropriate facility management, as defined by the site procedures or within the ORR
Implementation Plan. A draft closure form is provided as Form 3, ORR Finding Resolution Form, in
Appendix 4.
e. DOE Verification (DOE ORR prestart findings as a minimum).
5.7.4 Follow-up Reviews/Visits. In some cases, the DOE or responsible contractor management
may require that closure packages include a post-review and verification of closure of the finding by
the team leader or team members appointed by the team leader. These reviews will be documented,
and such documentation maintained with the closure documentation. The evaluation of the adequacy
of the corrective actions should not be substituted for management responsibility to verify satisfactory
closure for prestart findings.
5.8 Lessons Learned. All ORR reports must contain a section concerning lessons learned and
should be used by both contractor and DOE to improve the ORR process. These lessons learned
provide information concerning problems encountered by the review team, adequacies or inadequacies
concerning the review, design and implementation, expertise, or any other relevant factors or
information that may be used by future review teams.
A mechanism to ensure that these lessons are transmitted to future review teams and incorporated into
the design and implementation of future reviews must be implemented. The Secretarial Officer
readiness review policy should provide direction as to who is responsible to track such lessons and
transmit them to those who will design and conduct future reviews. This person or organization
should provide lessons learned to both the DOE and contractor organizations, as applicable to those
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