| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-95
organizations. Many of the lessons learned have been included in the "Team Leader's Preparation
Guide for Operational Readiness Reviews (ORR)," DOE-HDBK-3012-94.
The ORR process may also identify lessons learned which are applicable to similar facilities. Lessons
learned in areas such as operations, procedures, design or documentation may be identified. The ORR
team should include these lessons learned in the report as well. Facility management or DOE
management is then responsible for promulgation of these lessons learned in accordance with
established procedures for lessons learned. The ORR Report may be issued prior to completion of the
writing of the lessons learned section in order that distributing the report might not be delayed.
However, each ORR report must ultimately contain a lessons learned section as required by
DOE 0 425.1.
5.9 ORR Process Deliverables. The ORR process deliverables are the ORR plans-of-action, the
ORR Implementation Plans, the ORR report, and the Readiness to Proceed Memorandum.
5.9.1 ORR Plan-of-action. General considerations. The responsible contractor and DOE each prepare an ORR plan-
of-action. The ORR Plan-of-action is the document, prepared by line management which describes
the breadth and the prerequisites of the ORR. The Plan-of-action is the document in which line
management describes what will be evaluated by the ORR, based on the extent of the activities
involved in the resumption or startup. Through the process of the ORR plan-of-action, the proper
authority within the Department of Energy concurs with or approves the planning for the ORR
process. The ORR process is then conducted in accordance with the approved elements of the plan-
of-action. Once approved, the ORR plans-of-action are distributed to responsible or interested groups
within and outside the DOE. Distribution outside of DOE should be in accordance with Department
The ORR plans-of-action are forwarded via management to the designated approval authority for the
particular restart or new start. A copy of the proposed plan-of-action will be provided to EH for
review and comment in accordance with Section 5.3.2. The approval authority will approve the plans-
of-action for the contractor and DOE ORRs.
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