| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-95
Appendix 2
limiting conditions of operation or that satisfy Technical Safety Requirements. All systems are
currently operable and in a satisfactory condition;
6. A process has been established to identify, evaluate, and resolve deficiencies and recommendations
made by oversight groups, official review teams, audit organizations, and the operating contractor;
7. A systematic review of the facility's conformance to applicable DOE Orders has been performed, any
non-conformances have been identified, and schedules for gaining compliance have been justified in
writing and formally approved;
8. Management programs are established, sufficient numbers of qualified personnel are provided, and
adequate facilities and equipment are available to ensure operational support services (e.g., training,
maintenance, waste management, environmental protection, industrial safety and hygiene,
radiological protection and health physics, emergency preparedness, fire protection, quality
assurance, criticality safety, and engineering) are adequate for operations;
9. A routine and emergency operations drill program, including program records, has been established
and implemented;
An adequate startup or restart test program has been developed that includes adequate plans for
graded operations testing to simultaneously confirm operability of equipment, the viability of
procedures, and the training of operators;
Functions, assignments, responsibilities, and reporting relationships are clearly defined,
understood, and effectively implemented with management responsible for control of safety;
The implementation status for DOE Order 5480.19, "Conduct of Operations Requirements for
DOE Facilities," is adequate for operations;
There are sufficient numbers of qualified personnel, to support safe operations;
Appendix 2-3
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