| DOE-STD-3006-95
d. Operational Readiness Review Team Members - The team members are responsible for assessing
the adequacy of readiness by conducting reviews in selected areas important to the safe resumption
of operations. The team members will assist the team leader and senior members in defining the
depth of review in their assigned areas; documenting the criteria and review approach for their
assigned area, subject to approval by the senior advisors and the team leader; attending team
meetings to coordinate activities with other team members; documenting their own activities,
findings, and conclusions in a manner to be specified by the team leader and the senior advisors; and
concurring in ORR Final Report (any differing opinions will be attached to the report in writing).
5.4.4 Team Leader Responsibilities. Key team leader actions are summarized as follows:
a. Select ORR team members to conduct the ORR. The information in the ORR plan-of-action will
guide the team leader to define the areas requiring inclusion and the number of team members
needed. Team member qualifications must be evaluated and verified by the team leader.
b. Prepare the ORR Implementation Plan in accordance with the scope (breadth and depth) defined
in the ORR plan-of-action. Section 5.9.2 and Appendices 1 through 3 provide additional information
on the development of the Implementation Plan. ORR team members and senior members will assist
in development of the Implementation Plan.
c. Prepare for conduct of DOE ORR. DOE Handbook, DOE-HDBK-3012-94, "Team Leader's
Preparation Guide for Operational Readiness Reviews (ORR)," has been developed to provide
information useful to an ORR team leader in preparation and conduct of an ORR or Readiness
Assessment. The handbook contains discussion on process for preparation and conduct of the
review. It also contains a lessons learned section which is a compilation of the lessons learned from
the first several years of conducting ORRs. The handbook will be a useful guide for both
experienced team leaders as well as those with less experience.
d. Manage the ORR in accordance with the Implementation Plan and information in DOE 0 425.1
and this standard.
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