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compliant Safety Analysis Report. It was not expected to be fully compliant with
the Order. However, a BIO under 10 CFR 830 must fully satisfy the requirements
of 10 CFR 830 parts .202 and .204.
Specifically, the DSA (BIO) must include:
Facility categorization according to DOE-STD-1027
A description of the facility (including the work to be performed)
A systematic identification of hazards associated with the facility
Evaluation of normal, abnormal, and accident conditions (including potential
natural phenomenon hazards that might be associated with long term status) that
might be associated with the generation or release of radioactive or other
hazardous materials, including consideration of the need for analysis of beyond
design basis accidents
Derivation and classification of hazard controls necessary to protect workers, the
public, and the environment
Definition of the characteristics of safety management programs necessary to
ensure safe operation, including criticality safety, when criticality hazards exist
Applicability. DSAs are required for Hazard Category 1, 2, or 3 nuclear facilities as
defined in 10 CFR 830 and formalized in DOE-STD-1027, Hazard Categorization
and Accident Analysis Techniques for Compliance with DOE 5480.23. Facilities and
operations that fall below the Hazard Category 3 threshold are considered outside the
scope of 10 CFR 830 requirements for a DOE-approved DSA. The methodology in
this Standard has been determined to be acceptable for the following types of DOE-
owned or DOE-leased (including National Nuclear Security Administration [NNSA])
Hazard Category 1, 2, and 3 nuclear facilities and activities:
a. A nuclear facility with a limited operational life;
b. The deactivation of a nuclear facility; and
c. The transition surveillance and maintenance of a nuclear facility.
The terms "nuclear facility with a limited operational life", "deactivation", and
"transition surveillance and maintenance activities" are defined in Table 3 of
Appendix A of 10 CFR 830 Subpart B and are further expanded upon in Section
V.2.4, Basis for Interim Operations for Deactivation, Surveillance and Maintenance,
and Limited Operational Life Facilities, of DOE Guide 421.1-2. In the context of this
Standard, these activities are interpreted to be interim operations, since the expected
normal lifetime for these activities is ideally anticipated to be the short (i.e., less than
5 years for limited operational life) interim transitional periods immediately prior to,
during, or after deactivation. While this standard allows for an abbreviated and
graded approach to development of a safety basis, the expectation exists that the
completeness of the analysis will be sufficient so that even though a limited
operational life is envisioned, significant hazards will be identified and appropriate
controls implemented accordingly. It is also important to recognize and anticipate
that the ideal may not be realized. That is, especially in the case of transition
surveillance and maintenance, the time interval that a facility may be in that mode
may extend many years beyond "short." When this may be the case, special attention

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