| ![]() DOE-STD-3011-2002
must be paid to hazards that may develop over the extended period of time. For
example, the importance of consideration of natural phenomenon hazards is increased
as the time spent in a particular mode (limited operational life, transitions surveillance
and maintenance, or deactivation) is extended.
Background. All of the guidance in the previous version of this Standard, pertaining
to implementation plans, has been deleted since the 10 CFR 830 Rule does not
require an implementation plan. The methodology in the previous version of this
Standard for development of BIOs has been updated to assure compliance with the
Rule and its associated Implementation Guides.
As its name implies, the BIO establishes for the types of interim operations described
in the preceding section, the interim safety basis for the facility. The contractor must
also develop a Technical Safety Requirements (TSRs) document as part of the safety
basis to satisfy the requirements of 10 CFR 830.205, Technical safety requirements.
An existing DSA for operational activities, a Safety Analysis Report (SAR), or an
Operational Safety Requirements (OSR) document may be helpful supporting
documentation to the degree that they are current and correct. Due to the wide variety
of facilities and activities within the DOE complex, and the broad spectrum of
existing safety documentation among the facilities, it is expected that the contents of
the BIOs and the efforts required to prepare them will vary.
Alternative Methodology or Significant Deviations. In accordance with 10 CFR 830
DSAs for these types of interim operations may also be prepared utilizing the safe
harbor methodology in DOE-STD-3009, Preparation Guide for U.S. Department of
Energy Nonreactor Nuclear Facility Safety Analysis Reports.
If a contractor uses a method other than a safe harbor method, it must obtain DOE
approval of the method before developing the DSA. Likewise, if a contractor uses a
safe harbor method to develop the DSA, but does not follow the method completely,
the contractor should request DOE approval of the method with the specific
deviations noted. The use of alternative methods or specific deviations from the safe
harbor methods must have (1) for NNSA facilities the approval of the Deputy
Administrator or for non-NNSA facilities, the approval of the Cognizant Secretarial
Officer (CSO) as specified in paragraph 9.3.1 of DOE Manual 411.1-1B, Safety
Management Functions, Responsibilities, and Authorities Manual (FRAM), and (2)
the review and concurrence (or comment if an NNSA facility is involved) of the DOE
Headquarters Office of Environment, Safety, and Health (DOE HQ / EH) as specified
in paragraph of the FRAM. Generally, in order to approve an alternative
methodology, the DOE responsible organizations would need to find that the
alternative methodology was sufficiently rigorous to provide an equivalent level of
safety in the alternative DSA and resulting controls. Refer to Section 5 of DOE G
421.1-2 for additional guidance.
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