| ![]() DOE-STD-3013-2004
any changes that might signal an end to the "early failure" period, or the onset of
an "end of life" period.
4. Inspection/surveillance methods must be documented to assure consistency.
Delineation of responsibilities is needed to assure a consistent management
approach and awareness of responsibilities.
5. No further basis is provided
Surveillance Parameters
The parameters specified by the criterion are the measurable indicators identified in Sections
6.2 and 6.3, above. These parameters provide an indication of material stability and package
Evaluation of Surveillance Data
These evaluations confirm the safety of the package.
Data Base
An electronic data base is specified because a manual data base would be overly cumbersome.
The architecture is not specified here to allow maximum flexibility to interface with existing data
bases and files. Some data will be classified, partly because Category I quantities of Special
Nuclear Material (SNM) will be stored in the storage facility.
Data Base Content Elements
1. These parameters allow as complete a characterization of the contents as is possible
without undertaking additional characterization. The intent is to capture all available
relevant information, and not to require additional characterization beyond that
which is already available.
2. Package data can meet a number of needs. For example, if a package exhibits
unexpected behavior, these data can help identify other, similar packages that may
require inspection. These data also allow disposition processing to be optimized
3. No further basis is provided.
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