| ![]() DOE-STD-3013-2004
3. Inspections
1) Initial Inspection. Flaws in initial packaging are expected to be detected by
inspection of every package within 30 days of packaging. Ordinarily, this
inspection would be done immediately after packaging, but 30 days delay
reasonably accommodates operational considerations. This initial inspection
should provide baseline information on the leak rate of both welded containers
(the inner container should be inspected after it is closed and before insertion
into the outer container, and the outer container inspected after it is closed),
verification of contents through NDA measurements, and any other information
deemed desirable and attainable through non-destructive measurements such as
radiography. This initial inspection may be part of the quality program for
verifying package integrity.
2) Early failures are caused by mistakes, missteps, or other problems in the
manufacturing, stabilizing or packaging processes that result in flawed or
defective packages that are not detected during the initial inspection. To detect
these types of failures, the initial program plan should consider alternatives such
as: 1) provisions to inspect each package at least once during the first few years
of storage; 2) an inspection of each package as it is put into storage;
3) inspection of all "high risk" packages identified based on their material
contents, whether the container was among the first manufactured, whether it
was non-conforming and accepted "as-is", etc. and inspection of only a pre-
determined sample of other packages; and 4) inspections appropriate to the
"random failure" approach, but with a higher frequency or larger sample size.
During most or all of the storage period, mechanical failures, if any, are likely to
be random. Uniform changes in the storage package population, such as a
potential gradual pressure generation in oxide containers, may also occur.
Surveillance during this period may include sampling to monitor the behavior of
the population. If a "shelf-life" program is established, it may be used to evaluate
changes in the contents so that corrective action can be taken in advance of
package failure. It should also be used to assess corrosion effects over the long
program plan should include provisions to assess the failure rate and to detect
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