| ![]() DOE-STD-3020-97
Overpressure Resistance. The new, unused filter, when
preconditioned according to ASME AG-1 Code, Section FC, Section
5140, "Resistance to Pressure," shall withstand a pressure differential
of 10 0.2 in. wg (2500 50 Pa) for 60 minutes without visible
evidence of damage. Within 15 minutes of the pressure differential
test, and while still wet, the filter shall meet the penetration
requirement of Section 6.2.2 at 20% of nominal airflow rating (size 4
and larger filters).
Resistance to Fire and Heated Air. The new, unused filter shall
withstand exposure to air heated to 700F 50F (370ʱ28C) for 5
minutes. After exposure to heat, the penetration, when tested at
nominal airflow rating, shall not exceed 3.0%. There shall be no
evidence of sustained burning when subjected to a spot flame at any
point on the filter except the gasket. Labeling or certification (by
Underwriters Laboratories) in accordance with UL-586 shall provide
evidence of satisfactory compliance with applicable requirements for
resistance to fire and heated air.
Resistance to Rough Handling. The filter shall withstand shaking for
15 minutes at 3/4-in. (19 mm) amplitude and 200 cycles per minute
(3.33 Hz) without evidence of filter damage. The test shall be
conducted with the filters boxed, and the pleats and separators
vertical. After the test, the filter shall meet the penetration
requirement of Section 6.2.2 of this standard at 100% (all filters) and
20% (125 cfm [212 m3/hr] and larger) at the nominal airflow rating.
DOE Production Testing and Marking
Acceptance Inspection and Testing. Prior to installation at a DOE
site, each HEPA filter shall be tested at a DOE FTF. Acceptance is
contingent upon satisfactory completion of inspections and tests
specified in DOE Standards. Filters will be inspected for physical
damage to the packaging and filter, and for compliance with
specification requirements which can be checked visually. Each filter
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