| ![]() DOE-STD-3022-98
FTF Services
The following services will be provided by the DOE FTF to DOE contractors and
non-DOE customers.
Penetration and resistance testing.
Visual inspection for damage and visible defects.
Inspection for compliance with visually verifiable filter specifications or
special purchase order instructions.
Charges for FTF Services
Inspection and test services shall be provided without charge to DOE
installations and to DOE-site contractors. Services shall be provided to other
than DOE prime contractors, other federal agencies, and commercial users in
accordance with prices established in advance with the FTF.
Contacts with Filter Manufacturers
To minimize the potential for conflicts of interest, contacts between the FTF and
filter manufacturers will normally be limited to the following: (1) notices of
shipping damage; (2) responses to manufacturer's requests for information about
filter receipt and test scheduling; and (3) queries by an FTF concerning
manufacturer's instructions for disposition of rejected filters. When it appears
that there is a need for special test provisions, e.g., special chucks or adapters,
direct discussions between the manufacturers and FTF staff are encouraged, but
the special test provisions shall be arranged through the filter purchaser.
Purchase Order Specifications and Instructions
Purchasers of HEPA filters shall furnish copies of HEPA filter purchase orders
and applicable specifications to the FTF. If the purchasing agent fails to supply
these documents, the FTF shall not inspect or test filters until appropriate
instructions have been received. Filter testing for commercial (charged)
customers shall not commence until an authorized purchase order for payment of
FTF services has been received and accepted by the FTF business office.
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