| ![]() DOE-STD-3022-98
CC001.3, that are procured for installation in DOE nuclear facilities under the program
described in this standard. Each filter model is to be tested for compliance with HEPA
filter specifications that appear in Section 6.1.2 " ualifications Testing"of DOE-STD-
3020-97 prior to acceptance of the filter model for use in DOE installations.
Each individual HEPA filter is to be tested and inspected at a DOE Filter Test Facility in
accordance with provisions contained in DOE Standard NE F 3-43 for compliance with
purchase specifications and performance criteria prior to installation. HEPA filters that
fail to pass the acceptance tests are identified as " ejected"and are not to be installed
in a nuclear facility.
DOE may offer its HEPA filter testing services to other federal agencies and commercial
organizations on a cost-recovery basis. DOE FTF services are also available to test
HEPA filters used for other than nuclear applications, such as Ultra-Low Penetration Air
(ULPA) filters or other high quality filters, using current test equipment and test
methods, on a cost recovery basis. A schedule of the costs for these services can be
obtained by contacting the FTF. If other types of filters, or HEPA filters not intended for
installation in DOE nuclear facilities, are inspected and tested for penetration and
resistance at the FTF, these tests are to be conducted using the FTF's standard test
procedures, as specified in Section 6.0 and 7.0 of DOE Standard F 3-43.
Except as stated in the preceding paragraph, this standard, and related standards, shall
not apply to HEPA filters used by DOE contractors for purposes other than installation
in DOE nuclear facilities. Examples of filters which are outside the scope of this or
related standards are "clean room" filters or those currently defined as performance
Type A, C, or D filters in the Institute of Environmental Sciences publication "HEPA and
ULPA Filters" IES-RP-CC001.3.
This section discusses specific attributes of the DOE program described in this
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