| ![]() DOE-STD-3024-98
Post-Modification Testing
Appendix B: System Drawings and Lists
In some cases, the maintenance organization also
This appendix shall identify the diagrams and
serves as the construction or installation
drawings and other relevant information provided in
organization for system modifications. In such
separate documents, tables or lists associated with
cases, extreme care is necessary to ensure that
or affecting the system being described. These
change activities are recognized as different from
might include physical arrangement diagrams,
maintenance. The SDD shall explain the extent to
isometric drawings, installation drawings, P&IDs,
which a post-modification testing program applies to
functional control diagrams, process flow diagrams,
the system being described.
schematic and one-line diagrams, wiring diagrams,
sketches of particular portions or features of the
system, load lists, setpoint tables, and instrument
calibration lists.
4.4 Supplemental Information
Additionally, Master Equipment Lists, Parts Lists,
Some contractors have found it beneficial to address
Bill of Materials, and lists showing the hierarchy of
supplemental topics in the SDD in order to facilitate
drawings that are pertinent to the system being
other considerations, including the Unreviewed
described should be identified.
Safety Question process. This section of the SDD
may include the following topics:
To avoid unnecessary revisions of the SDD, this
tabulation of the system drawings should not include
Summary of potential system and component
specific revision numbers/letters nor revision dates.
failures (and reference to a Failure Modes
Instead, this appendix should state that the most
and Effects Analysis (FMEA) or similar
recently approved version is to be used.
analysis if one exists)
Failure Modes
Appendix C: System Procedures
Consequences (effects of failures)
This appendix should contain a listing of the
Mitigative Features
procedures associated with or affecting the system
Margins of Safety in the design
being described. In a manner similar to the System
Optional extra performance capabilities
Drawings appendix, this appendix should avoid
Summary of critical engineering studies and
specific revision information. Procedures should be
listed in groups according to their general type, for
System limitations and precautions
example, operating procedures, TSR surveillance
procedures, and maintenance procedures.
Appendix D: System History
Appendices to the SDD
This appendix is optional. This appendix should list
those system modifications or changes considered to
Appendix A: Source Documents
be of significance, such as those that result in
changes to requirements, bases, TSRs, and
This appendix shall contain the bibliographical
setpoints. The maintenance and repair actions
information for documents that are referenced in the
considered to be of major significance should also
body of the SDD. It may be decided to provide
be identified. Each such modification or change,
separate appendices for documents of various types,
and maintenance or repair action should be briefly
such as: design documents, procurement documents,
summarized and the appropriate documentation
vendor documents, etc. or it may be decided to
(such as, design change packages or work packages)
subdivide a single appendix into subsections that
referenced. System history information may be kept
address different document types.
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