| ![]() DOE-STD-3024-98
reference the associated procedures. If general
4.3.2 TSR-Required Surveillances
access to the equipment of the system is restricted in
any way, those restrictions shall be identified in
When the system being described is the subject of
general terms.
TSR/OSR Surveillance Requirements, the SDD
shall summarize the methods used to meet the
requirements in this area (including confirmation
that the acceptance criteria have been met), and
4.3 Testing and Maintenance
refer to the procedures used to implement these
In this section, where maintenance personnel have
voluntarily adopted good practices related to the
4.3.3 Non-TSR Inspections and Testing
system, those practices should be identified. For
example, maintenance personnel may have decided
When the system being described is the subject of
that all battery testing will be performed in
non-TSR/OSR inspection, testing, or surveillance
accordance with a particular national standard.
requirements, the SDD shall summarize the methods
used to meet the requirements in this area (including
4.3.1 Temporary Configurations
confirmation that the acceptance criteria have been
met), and shall provide references to the
Situations under which temporary configurations are
implementing procedures.
used during surveillance or maintenance shall be
identified and described in the SDD. The SDD shall
4.3.4 Maintenance
state the operational limitations on the use of those
configurations and shall refer to the applicable
This subsection of the SDD is aimed primarily at
governing procedures.
meeting the needs of maintenance personnel,
although it contains some information that is
In some cases, it is necessary to use temporary
important to operating personnel. This information
configurations in order to conduct surveillance,
is also important to the system engineer in the role
testing, inspection, and maintenance activities
of being responsible for all aspects of the system,
properly. For example, it might be necessary to lift
which includes testing and maintenance actions.
leads temporarily so that the fire deluge system will
not be activated during the test of the fire detection
The SDD shall summarize the routine actions
system. In most cases, there are operational
required by preventive maintenance procedures and
limitations on the use of such temporary
post-maintenance testing procedures. This section
configurations that may impact system availability.
may also provide references to appropriate
For example, redundant sets of equipment might not
maintenance procedures.
be allowed to be jumpered out, bypassed, or
otherwise rendered out of service at the same time.
Post-Maintenance Testing
Another type of limitation might be time constraints
on how long lifted leads, jumpers, bypasses, etc. are
This section shall explain the extent to which a post-
permitted to be in use, especially where operability
maintenance testing program is applied to the
is a factor. It might be necessary to provide
system being described. Key performance or
compensatory measures during the time some
acceptance criteria that must be satisfied or verified
equipment is not operable or out of service. Another
during post-maintenance testing (for the system to
limitation might be special provisions in procedures
fulfill its functions such as those identified in the
to control the use of such temporary configurations
hazards and accident analyses) shall be identified.
adequately, including removal verifications,
The SDD should also provide appropriate references
especially if the use or misuse of such
to post-maintenance testing procedures.
configurations could affect safety or availability.
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