| ![]() DOE-STD-3024-98
Technical Content Guidance
1.4 Definitions/Glossary
This section shall define or explain key terms and
Chapter 1
phrases necessary for the reader to understand the
Introduction of an SDD
The purpose of this section of the SDD is to provide
1.5 Acronyms
limited preliminary information related to the
specific SDD such that the SDD can be understood,
This section shall define the acronyms used in the
and can be used effectively and efficiently.
Chapter 2
1.1 System Identification
General Overview
This section shall identify the scope of the system
being described in the particular SDD. This section
The SDD shall include an overview of the system
shall identify the boundaries of the system concisely
that includes: (1) statements of the safety functions
and only to the extent necessary to explain the
and other functions assigned to the system; (2) the
physical scope of the system that is covered by this
overall classification of the system; and (3) a basic
SDD and shall identify the interfacing systems that
operational overview of the system, including a
are not covered by this SDD. This subsection is
simplified system diagram. This general overview
anticipated to be only about one paragraph or so
section should be limited to that information
necessary to establish a foundation for
understanding the requirements and bases
1.2 Limitations of this SDD
information that follows in the SDD. This is a
preliminary section; details on the system will be
This section shall explain any limitations that may
provided later.
exist on the SDD (i.e., on this latest version). If the
scope of the SDD is limited in some way, the reader
2.1 System Functions
needs to be made aware of that limitation. For
example, the current version may be preliminary and
The SDD shall state the functions that the system
provide basis information for only the safety
needs to be capable of performing in order to
requirements. Similarly, if certain sections of the
accomplish its intended purpose in the facility. To
SDD have not been fully addressed or developed
the extent applicable to the system being described,
completely at this time, the reader should be
the system's function statements shall address the
informed of this limitation.
areas of safety (protection of onsite and offsite
personnel from radiological and other type hazards),
1.3 Ownership of this SDD
environmental protection, programmatic mission,
and general functions. Statements of the functions
This section shall identify the owner of the SDD and
of the system shall be sufficiently specific to the
state that the owner is responsible for the technical
system as to be distinctively different from the
content of, and for reviewing changes to, the SDD.
functions of other systems. When taken collectively,
The owner is expected in most cases to be the
the functions of all the systems should describe
system engineer, but this could vary in different
comprehensively how those systems contribute to
organizational structures. The owner should not be
the overall operation of the facility.
identified by name, because assignments could
change. Rather, the SDD should point the reader to
Statements of safety function serve as the key link
a place or document that would identify the specific
between the authorization basis documents and
individual assigned as SDD owner.
supporting documents. As discussed in Reference
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