| ![]() DOE-STD-3024-98
12, the essential constituents of statements of safety
2.2 System Classification
function are:
The SDD shall state the overall classification that
The situations, and any specific accidents,
has been assigned to the system. This classification
during which the system may be called upon
should have been based on the highest ranking (most
to perform its safety function(s).
important) requirements identified for the system,
using the hierarchy presented in Section 3 of this
The specific objective of the system in its role
standard. For example, if a system were to have
of preventing, detecting, or mitigating
Safety-Significant, Mission-Critical, and General
undesirable occurrences.
requirements, but no Safety-Class requirements, it
would be classified as a "Safety-Significant"
Those performance characteristics that have
system. If a system were to have Mission-Critical
been specifically relied upon in the
and General requirements, but no Safety or
authorization basis, including the hazard
Environmental Requirements, it would be classified
analysis and accident analysis, (this may
as a "Mission-Critical" system. This part of the
include initial conditions or assumptions
section should be limited to a simple one-sentence
concerning the system or its operation).
statement such as, "This system is classified as
Statements of safety functions in the SDD shall be
consistent with the corresponding information in the
This section shall include a simple positive or
facility authorization basis and specific references to
negative statement indicating whether or not the
the authorization basis documents shall be provided.
system being described is the subject of the facility
Note: A fundamental understanding of
the functions to be provided by Safety
2.3 Basic Operational Overview
SSCs is integral to maintaining the
analyzed and approved engineering
This section shall include a simplified system
basis, as well as to operations, testing,
diagram, including boundaries and interfaces.
surveillance, maintenance, and
Where subsystems exist, they shall be illustrated on
modification activities. It is important
the simplified system diagram.
that safety function statements contain
sufficient information and clarity to
This section shall include a brief discussion of how
provide the fundamental understanding
the system operates. This discussion should be
that supports the development of
limited to those operational aspects necessary to
functional requirements, identification
understand the requirements in Section 3.
of appropriate criteria, safety
assessments, evaluation of system
performance capabilities, and
Chapter 3
evaluation of changes.
Requirements and Bases
If all the system functions have been defined, then
the overall function or purpose of the system has
This section of the SDD identifies both the
been defined indirectly also. To avoid potential
requirements on the system and the bases for those
misunderstandings due to this definition being only
requirements. This section shall also present the
implicit, the SDD shall explicitly state the overall
classification of those requirements with regard to
function or purpose of the system.
importance, and shall refer to the source documents
from which the requirements and bases were
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