| ![]() DOE-STD-3026-99
retention periods, but in no case shall records of HEPA filter test activities and
results be stored for less than three years from time of test.
Document Control. Preparation, issuance, and change of documents relating to
HEPA filter test activities shall be controlled to ensure the documents are
correct, current, properly reviewed, and approved. Documents and changes
thereto shall be reviewed for adequacy and approved at appropriate management
Procurement Documents. Documents related to the purchase of critical items,
including records of inspection visits to vendors, item acceptance, and
assessment of vendor quality programs (if applicable) shall be maintained by the
FTF and shall be made available to authorized persons on request.
Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings. Activities performed at the FTF shall
be as specified by approved written procedures covering, as a minimum, topics
addressed in this standard. Operating procedures and records to show compli-
ance with their requirements shall be retained at the FTF. Reports and/or
records to customers, as specified by DOE, shall be prepared and retained at the
FTF. "As built" drawings of facilities, equipment, etc., shall be kept current and
retained at the FTF.
Certification Records. Records that furnish documentary evidence of FTF
certification shall be specified, prepared, and maintained.
Test equipment, items, or activities identified as in non-compliance with specifications of the
overall HEPA Filter Test Program, as defined in this document and related procedures, shall be
corrected in a timely manner. Provisions for corrective actions, including written procedures and
documentation of corrective actions, shall be included in the QPP. Documentation of non-
conformance shall include a discussion of cause, identification of corrective action techniques, and
a conclusion that corrective actions have been adequately completed.
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