| ![]() DOE-STD-3028-2000
A.6.3 Contained Materials
Container Fill Gas
1. The stored material condition should not change significantly because of reactions
with the container atmosphere. If material stabilization has to be repeated, there
would be additional handling and worker radiation exposure. For example, the
container atmosphere for the repackaging system at ORNL will be inert.
2. The container atmosphere must not act to mask leak testing and must support leak
testing. For example, the inert backfill in the ORNL repackaging system will be used
to detect leaks.
Mass of Contained Materials
1. The mass limit for fissile materials is based on criticality safety limits for 233U. The
single parameter subcritical limits for 233U are 6.0 kg (13.2 lbm) for metal and 10.1 kg
(22.3 lbm) for oxide (the most limiting oxide is UO2) [ANSI/ANS 1983]. The limits in
this Standard are 90% of these single parameter limits to provide a margin of safety.
It should be noted that these limits are the most restrictive limits for the prevalent
fissile nuclides (i.e., 233U, 235U, 237Np, and 241Am) except for plutonium. If plutonium
is present, further restrictions on the mass limit should be considered on a case-by-
case basis. Criticality safety analyses also may impose more restrictive limits.
It is also recommended that the mass of material in single containers be kept below
the Safeguards Category II limits (< 400 g [0.882 lbm] total U for metals and < 2 kg
[4.4 lbm] total U for oxides [DOE M 474.1-1]). This requirement will ensure that single
cans of material will not require expensive Safeguards Category II security measures
during the surveillance phase or during future transportation.
Storage and handling of 233U-bearing materials shall conform to the criticality safety
requirements of DOE O 420.1. Criticality safety evaluations shall document that
storage and handling activities shall remain subcritical during all normal and credible
abnormal events. Criticality safety evaluations shall be performed for operations
(under normal conditions) within any facility containing 233U in excess of the limits
specified in DOE O 420.1 or as specified in site-specific nuclear criticality safety
program policies and procedures.
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