| ![]() DOE-STD-3028-2000
target for the drop tests is defined in 49 CFR 178.603(d). The distance of the
drop is measured from the target to the lowest point on the sample container.
The drop height specified in the criterion is to be used instead of the heights
indicated in 49 CFR 178.603(e). The criterion for passing the test is that it retain
its function, (i.e., that it remain leak tight as defined by ANSI N14.5 [ANSI 1997]).
b) The purpose of the four-foot drop test for the inner container is to ensure that a
loaded inner container accidentally dropped from the maximum packaging height
would not release any material. See A. for details of the tests.
c) The hydrostatic proof test provides verification that the container will remain leak
tight under maximum design conditions, plus a safety margin.
2. Testing During Use
ANSI N14.5, Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment, specifies that the acceptable
maximum leak rate is 1 x 10-4 std. mm3/sec (1 x 10-13 std. m3/sec or 3.5 x 10-12 ft3/sec)
of dry air at one atmosphere [ANSI 1997]. Full penetration weld closures provide the
highest integrity and longest life seals possible. Welds eliminate gaskets, which may
degrade and leak. Mechanical seals using bolts or screwed connections are
susceptible to wear, creep relaxation, seizure, or other mechanical failure.
Other Requirements
1. Identification markings are required on all storage containers to facilitate
maintenance of an inventory database and management of stored materials.
2. External surfaces of the outer container shall be as free from removable
contamination as practical. Exterior surface contamination may be evidence of
potential leakage of radioactive materials. Limits for 233U are not specified in
10 CFR 835. The limits for transuranics are used because they are the most
restrictive and have the most similar nuclear characteristics to 233U.
The sealed inner container is the primary barrier to release of radioactive materials.
To ascertain that this goal has been accomplished, the outer surface of the inner
container must be within the removable contamination limits for transuranics in
Appendix D of 10 CFR 835 at the time that the loaded inner container is placed into
the outer container.
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