| ![]() DOE-STD-3028-2000
portions of DOE Orders 420.1, 5480.21, 5480.22, and 5480.23. The need for ventilation
systems for confinement purposes shall be based on the results of the safety analysis. The
combination of the material storage system and the storage facility represents a defense-in-
depth safety confinement system.
Radiation Shielding
attenuate the 2.6 MeV (4.17E-6 erg) photon emitted by the 232U daughter, 208Tl. Depending on
the material form and material storage system used, the facility itself may serve as a radiation
shield. The regulations pertaining to occupational radiation protection as specified in 10 CFR
835, shall be met.
SNM Safeguards
Uranium-233 is a weapons-usable material due to its fissile properties and its ability to be
produced in sufficient quantities for manufacturing nuclear weapons. This material shall be
protected from unauthorized access and unauthorized use. Safeguards measures shall meet
the requirements of DOE O 470.1, DOE O 471.2A, DOE O 472.1B, DOE O 474.1, and DOE
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