| ![]() DOE-STD-3028-2000
4. The database shall include, as a minimum, specific locations of stored packages in
the storage facility.
Quality Assurance
Quality assurance to meet 10 CFR 830.120 shall be performed in accordance with site
Quality Assurance Plans.
A facility used for the storage of 233U should address the unique characteristics of the material
and include nuclear criticality safety, confinement of radioactive materials, radiation shielding,
and safeguarding SNM.
Nuclear Criticality Safety
Storage and handling of 233U-bearing materials shall conform to the criticality safety
requirements of DOE O 420.1. Criticality safety evaluations shall document that storage and
handling activities shall remain subcritical during all normal and credible abnormal events.
Criticality safety evaluations shall be performed for operations (under normal conditions) within
any facility containing 233U in excess of the limits specified in DOE O 420.1 or as specified in
site-specific nuclear criticality safety program policies and procedures.
Special care should be exercised in validating calculation methods supporting criticality safety
evaluations because of the paucity of data in the intermediate energy regime that may be
important for some 233U-bearing matrices under specified operational conditions.
Confinement of Contamination
The material physical form, material containers, or containment vessels serve as the principal
barrier for confinement of contamination. Depending on the material storage system, the facility
itself may serve as another confinement barrier.
The integrity of the storage facility shall be maintained through normal operations, anticipated
operational occurrences, and all facility design basis accidents (DBAs). The adequacy of these
confinement systems to effectively perform their required functions shall be demonstrated by the
safety analysis. Requirements governing the safety analysis process include the applicable
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