| ![]() DOE-STD-4001-2000
For records with retention periods of 1 year or more:
Cutoff at the end of each fiscal (or calendar) year. For example, if the
disposition for a correspondence file is "destroy when 3 years old," then destroy
it 3 years after the annual cutoff.
AP1.9.3. For records with retention periods based on an event or action:
Cutoff on the date the event occurs or the action is completed and then
apply the retention period. For example, if the disposition for case working
papers is "destroy when related case file is closed," then cutoff and destroy the
working papers when closing the related file.
For records with retention periods based on a specified time period after an
event or action:
Place in an inactive file on the date the event occurs or the action is
completed and cutoff the inactive file at the end of each fiscal (or calendar) year;
then apply the retention period. For example, if the disposition for a case file is
"destroy 6 years after case is closed," then destroy 6 years after the annual
cutoff along with other case files closed during that year.
Cutoff is sometimes abbreviated as COFF and is also called file cutoff or file
AP1.10. Cycle. The periodic removal of obsolete copies of vital records and their replacement
with copies of current vital records. This may occur daily, weekly, quarterly, annually, or at other
designated intervals. (36 CFR 1236.14, reference 2.q)
AP1.11. Database. In electronic records, a set of data, consisting of at least one file or of a
group of integrated files, usually stored in one location and made available to several users at the
same time for various applications. (36 CFR 1234.2, reference 2.j)
AP1.12. Data Base Management System (DBMS). A software system used to access and
retrieve data stored in a database. (36 CFR 1234.2, reference 2.j)
AP1.13. Data Element. A combination of characters or bytes referring to one separate item of
information, such as name, address, or age. (Instructional Guide, reference 5.c)
AP1.14. Document Creation Date. The date and time that the author and/or originator
completed the development of and/or signed the document. For electronic documents, this date
and time should be established by the author or from the time attribute assigned to the document
by the application used to create the document. This is not necessarily the date and/or time that
the document was filed in the RMA and thus became a record.
AP1.15. Date Filed. The date and time that an electronic document was filed in the RMA, and
thus, became a record. This date and time will normally be assigned by the computer at the time
the record is filed in the RMA.
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