| DOE-STD-4001-2000
Location of Record.
Document Creation Date.
(36 CFR 1234.22, reference 2.k)
Author or Originator.
(36 CFR 1234.22, reference 2.k)
Originating Organization.
(36 CFR 1234.22, reference 2.k)
Vital Record Indicator.
(36 CFR 1236.20, reference 2.s)
C2.2.2.6. RMAs shall provide the user with the capability to edit the metadata listed
above in subparagraph C2.2.2.5. prior to filing the record except for data captured electronically
from e-mail or other automated systems.
C2.2.2.7. RMAs shall provide the capability for authorized individuals (only) to add user
defined profile data fields, for site-specific information such as project number, security
classification, Privacy Act, etc. (36 CFR 1234.22, reference 2.k)
C2.2.2.8. RMAs shall provide the capability to output for viewing, saving, or printing
the record profile information (metadata) identified in paragraph C2.2.2.5. above.
C2.2.2.9. RMAs shall provide the capability for only authorized individuals to limit the
file codes available to a user or work group. The RMA shall ensure that only current and valid file
codes are presented to the user for selection during filing.
C2.2.2.10. RMAs shall allow a record to be assigned to more than one file category
when appropriate. (NARA C RM Requirements for Electronic Recordkeeping System,
reference 5.a)
C2.2.2.11. RMAs shall provide the capability for only authorized individuals to change
a file code assigned to a filed record.
C2.2.2.12. RMAs shall provide the capability to designate a record as a vital record.
(36 CFR 1236.20, reference 2.s)
C2.2.2.13. RMAs shall provide the capability to update and cycle vital records.
(36 CFR 1236.14, reference 2.q)
C2.2.2.14. RMAs shall provide only authorized individuals the capability to reverse the
designation of a vital record once the designation has become obsolete.
C2.2.2.15. RMAs shall link supporting and related records and related information such
as notes, marginalia, attachments, and electronic mail return receipts, as well as all profile data,
to the record.
C2.2.2.16. RMAs shall provide the capability to link original superseded records to their
successor records. If the disposition of the superseded record is to destroy when replaced, the
RMA shall identify that the record is eligible for destruction.
C2.2.2.17. RMAs shall manage and preserve any record regardless of its format or
structure, so that it can be reproduced and viewed in the same manner as the original.
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