| DOE-STD-4001-2000
C2.2.2.18. RMAs shall automatically date a document when it is saved as a record,
and preserve the date of receipt on records received. This date shall remain constant, without
being changed when accessed, read, copied, or transferred. RMAs shall not permit this data to
be edited.
C2.2.2.19. RMAs shall link the record metadata to the record so that it can be
displayed when needed and transported with the record when a copy is made and transmitted to
another location. (36 CFR 1234.32, reference 2.o)
C2.2.2.20. RMAs shall provide the capability for only authorized individuals to modify
the metadata (values of the record profile attributes) of stored records that have not been specified
as uneditable.
C2.2.3. Filing Electronic Mail Messages (E-Mail)
C2.2.3.1. RMAs shall treat electronic mail messages (including attachments) that have
been filed as records, as any other record, and they shall be subject to all requirements of this
document. (36 CFR 1222.32 and 36 CFR 1234.24, references 2.c and 2.l)
C2.2.3.2. RMAs shall capture and automatically store the transmission and receipt data
identified in Table C2.T1. below (if available from the e-mail system) as part of the record profile
when an e-mail message is filed as a record. (36 CFR 1234.24, reference 2.l) RMAs shall not
allow editing of these metadata.
C2.2.3.3. RMAs shall store the attachments to an e-mail record and to associate and
link the attachment with the e-mail record. (36 CFR 1234.24, reference 2.l)
C2.2.3.4. RMAs shall provide the capability to store distribution lists as required to
ensure identification of the sender and recipients of messages that are records. (36 CFR 1234.24,
reference 2.l)
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