| ![]() DOE-EM-STD-5502-94
3.10 Implementation Plan means a document prepared by a contractor that sets forth:
(1) When and how the actions appropriate to comply with the requirements of a
section of this part, including the requirements of a plan or program required by this
section, shall be taken, and
(2) What relief will be sought if a contractor cannot attain full compliance with a
requirement in a reasonable manner. (10 CFR 830.3)
3.11 Nonreactor Nuclear Facility means those activities or operations that involve
radioactive and/or fissionable materials in such a form and quantity that a nuclear hazard
potentially exists to the employees or the general public. Incidental use and generation of
radioactive materials in facility operation (e.g., check and calibration sources, use of
radioactive sources in research and experimental and analytical laboratory activities,
electron microscope, and X-ray machines) would not ordinarily require the facility to be
included in this definition. Transportation of radioactive materials, accelerators and
reactors and their operations are not included. The application of any rule to a nonreactor
nuclear facility shall be applied using a graded approach. Included are activities or
operations that:
(1) Produce, process, or store radioactive liquid or solid waste, fissionable materials, or
(2) Conduct separations operations;
(3) Conduct irradiated materials inspections, fuel fabrication, decontamination, or
recovery operations;
(4) Conduct fuel enrichment operations;
(5) Perform environmental remediation or waste management activities involving
radioactive materials; or
(6) Design, manufacture, or assemble items for use with radioactive materials and/or
fissionable materials in such a form or quantity that a nuclear hazard potentially exists.
(10 CFR 830.3)
3.12 Nuclear Facility means reactor and nonreactor nuclear facilities. (10 CFR 830.3)
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