| ![]() DOE-EM-STD-5502-94
3.13 Radiological Facilities are those facilities that do not meet or exceed the hazard
category 3 threshold quantity values published in DOE-STD-1027-92 but still contain some
quantity of radioactive material (above those discussed in Appendix B to 40 CFR 302).
3.14 Safety Analysis means a documented process:
(1) To provide systematic identification of hazards within a given DOE operation;
(2) To describe and analyze the adequacy of the measures taken to eliminate, control,
or mitigate identified hazards; and
(3) To analyze and evaluate potential accidents and their associated risks.
(10 CFR 830.3)
3.15 Safety Analysis Report or SAR means that report which documents the adequacy of
safety analysis for a nuclear facility to ensure that the facility can be constructed, operated,
maintained, shut down, and decommissioned safely and in compliance with applicable
laws and regulations. (10 CFR 830.3)
3.16 Safety Basis means the combination of information relating to the control of hazards
at a nuclear facility (including design, engineering analyses, and administrative controls)
upon which DOE depends for its conclusion that activities at the facility can be conducted
safely. (10 CFR 830.3)
3.17 Safety Evaluation is that record required by this Order to document the review of
the "change." This evaluation documents the scope of the evaluation and the logic for
determining whether or not an Unreviewed Safety Question exists. (DOE 5480.21)
3.18 Unreviewed Safety Questions (USQ) Whether or not a USQ issue constitutes a
hazard is based on a determination made by examining the following circumstances: (1)
temporary or permanent changes in the facility as described in the existing safety analysis;
(2) temporary or permanent changes in the procedures as derived from safety analysis;
and (3) tests or experiments not described in existing safety analysis. On identification of
any of the above circumstances, an Unreviewed Safety Question exists if one or more of
the following conditions result: (1) the probability of occurrence or the consequences of
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