| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
accomplished consistently and completely.
6.8 Assessing Control of Equipment and System Status.
6.8.1 Discussion. The purpose of control of equipment and system status is to ensure that
activity operations personnel know the status of all equipment and systems and maintain
appropriate control at all times. This element of conduct of operations provides an overall
perspective on control of equipment and system status and discusses the use of a broad range of
administrative control systems and programs such as lockouts and tagouts, equipment and system
alignments, equipment deficiency identification, and work authorization. Approach. Since the observations, interviews, and document reviews conducted to
assess Control of Equipment and System Status will normally provide leads in other elements of
conduct of operations, such as Lockouts and Tagouts and Independent Verification, the
assessment of equipment control can be combined with these elements of conduct of operations.
This "combined" approach is presented in the following sections.
6.8.2 Preparing to Assess Control of Equipment and System Status. To develop an
assessment plan for Control of Equipment and System Status, assessors should first review the
activity-specific graded-approach document for conduct of operations and determine which
guidelines are applicable at the activity. This will allow them to determine the scope of the
assessment and which applicable activity policies and procedures to review when developing the
assessment plan. Sections 5.4 and 5.8 provide a detailed explanation of assessment planning and
the use of assessment techniques.
6.8.3 Observation. Observations should be conducted during walkthroughs and tours with
operators and shift supervisors, and during the conduct of special activities. The activity plan of
the day and plan of the week should be reviewed to determine the time and place for observing
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