| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
6.4.5 Document Review. Examples of documents and other written information that can be
reviewed to assess Communications include:
Approved lists of abbreviations and acronyms
Records of periodic emergency communication equipment testing
Portable radio postings
Turnover checklists
Program and operating procedures
Emergency plan
Most document reviews necessary to assess activity communications can be conducted in
conjunction with observations. For example, while touring the activity with an operator, an
assessor should look for and review the approved list of abbreviations and acronyms, portable
radio postings, and turnover checklists. After reviewing these documents, observe how and when
they are used by operators. If necessary, reviews of program procedures and other documents
that are not routinely used during activity operations can be fit in between scheduled interviews
and observations.
6.5 Assessing Control of On-Shift Training.
6.5.1 Discussion. An effective On-Shift Training Program ensures that unqualified personnel
are properly supervised and controlled to avoid operational errors and to maximize use of the
trainee's time. On -shift training should be conducted so that the trainee satisfactorily completes
all the required training objectives and receives maximum learning benefit from this experience.
Additionally, the program should be structured to ensure that On-the-Job Trainers (OJT) have
received the proper training necessary to qualify them as OJT Instructors.
On-shift training is not intended to cover all aspects of an effective training and qualification
program. Rather, it addresses only the component that includes actual hands-on the equipment
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