| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
How do you determine what information should be communicated at turnover to the on-
coming operator? Are you required to use a turnover check sheet to document this
information? What guidance have you received from the shift supervisor or activity manager
regarding the type of information to be passed at turnover?
What equipment do you normally use to communicate with other shift positions? Do you ever
use radios to communicate? If so, are there any areas in the activity that radios can't be used?
Where are they?
What type of information is passed on the activity public address system? Who normally uses
this equipment? How frequently is it used?
Is there a procedure that addresses how to communicate? If so, what type of information is
contained in the procedure? Is there an approved list of abbreviations and acronyms? When is
it to be used? Are there any circumstances that require the use of "repeat backs" Can you give
an example of one of these circumstances?
After completing an interview, the information gathered should be evaluated to determine if there
are any apparent deviations from activity requirements. These leads can normally be validated or
disproved by using one or more of the following:
Additional walkthroughs and tours of the activity
Observations of and interviews with roving operators, control area operators, and
maintenance operators
Tours of the activity and interviews with shift supervisors
Interviews with activity managers and operations supervisors
Reviews of operating and program procedures
Interviews with training department personnel
A similar methodology to the one described above can be used to observe other shift positions
during operations and drills, considering that the list of interview candidates and sample questions
provided may not be all inclusive.
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