| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
Another area to investigate is Independent Verification training. The activity should have a
reference that instructs personnel on how to verify the position of various activity components. In
addition, personnel should receive training on how to perform Independent Verification. Training
records are usually held by a supervisor or by the training department. Note that an assessor may
be assigned to training. If it is necessary to assess Independent Verification training, these
interviews may be accomplished by the training assessor.
6.11 Assessing Logkeeping.
6.11.1 Discussion. The purpose of logkeeping is to record activity status and events as
required to provide an accurate history of activity operations. A log is defined as "a narrative
sequence of events or functions performed at a specific shift position." This limited standard, on
the other hand, does not attempt to differentiate between narrative records maintained by various
shift positions, and records such as Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) or operator
round/tour inspection sheets, radiological survey records, equipment deficiency logs, and lockout
and tagout logs. There are two reasons for this: (1) the guidelines in each area of conduct of
operations address fundamental principles such as timeliness of recordings and legibility that
should be applied to the maintenance of inspection sheets and other records as well as narrative
logs, and, (2) round/tour inspection sheets and other non-narrative records frequently contain a
narrative section, making differentiation between logs and inspection sheets unnecessary. Approach. As discussed in Assessing Shift Routines and Operating Practices,
Logkeeping is an integral part of shift routines. This combined approach of assessing
Logkeeping with shift routines is presented in that section. Since it may be necessary to assess
Logkeeping separately, the following sections discuss how to assess this area of conduct of
operations only.
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