| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
6.11.2 Preparing to Assess Logkeeping. To develop an assessment plan for Logkeeping,
assessors should first review the activity-specific graded-approach document for conduct of
operations and determine which guidelines are applicable at the activity. This will allow them to
determine the scope of the assessment and which applicable activity policies and procedures to
review when developing the assessment plan. Sections 5.4 and 5.8 provide a detailed explanation
of assessment planning and the use of assessment techniques.
6.11.3 Observation. Observations of Logkeeping should be conducted during walkthroughs
and tours of the activity with operators and shift supervisors, and during the conduct of special
activities and drills. The following situations are good candidates for conducting observations:
Maintenance operations that require interface or coordination with surveillance operators,
control area operators, and shift supervisors
Startup and shutdown of systems and equipment
Process or rate change operations
Activity drills
There are several aspects of logkeeping that can be assessed during these operations. For
example, while observing an operator as he performs a system or component startup, the
following items might be observed:
Timeliness of entries
The type, scope, and format of entries made to document the startup by all shift positions
involved in the procedure
Legibility of entries and method used to make corrections
Consistency in the use of logs and information recorded between shift positions
Periodic supervisory review
Observing the activities and operations discussed above should be supplemented with several
activity walkthroughs and tours with operators and shift supervisors. During walkthroughs, all
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