| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
interview questions may be developed by assessors for each area based on the level of
knowledge, skill, and style of the assessor. Content and Format. Appendix E contains a sample assessment plan. The assessment
plan is detailed and establishes the objectives, criteria, observations, interviews, and document
reviews that will be conducted to begin the assessment. Furthermore, a great deal of time and
effort should not be expended in developing the plan. Normally, an adequate assessment plan can
be developed in 30 minutes to two hours.
5.5 Activity Briefing and Tour. Introductory and safety briefs from the DOE Facility
Representative and activity management should be required by the assessment team. As a
minimum, these briefs should cover the graded-approach document for conduct of operations, a
description of restricted or hazardous areas, and the status of any ongoing operations. Arranging
a brief tour of the activity for those team members unfamiliar with the activity can also be
beneficial. In addition to familiarizing the team members with the general layout of the activity,
the tour provides orientation for security access, radiological protection requirements, and
communications procedures. When possible, the activity tour should occur prior to the beginning
of the assessment to allow for optimum use of time while actually conducting the assessment.
5.6 Assessment Schedule. The final step in the assessment preparation phase is the
development of an assessment schedule. This schedule is developed by the assessment team,
after the assessment plan has been completed, to inform activity management of the key
interviews, observations, and drills that the team requires to conduct the assessment. The
activity plan of the day and plan of the week are useful tools in developing a schedule for
observable operational and maintenance-related events and activities. This schedule of key
events should indicate the time of the interview or observation, the person being interviewed or
event being observed, and the team member requesting the interview or observation. The
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