| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
later than the daily team meeting.
During the discussion by each team member, the team leader should take notes summarizing
leads, findings, and concerns. The information could be recorded using a flip chart or overhead
transparency, to allow the team leader to track the resolution of each item as the assessment
progresses. This record also provides the team leader with a list of topics to be discussed with
activity management, normally accomplished by a separate daily meeting between the team leader
and the managers of the activity.
5.9.1 Daily Meetings with Activity Management. The management of the activity should be
provided with periodic information regarding the status of the assessment, findings, and areas in
which management attention could facilitate the conduct of the assessment. The team leader can
either allow contractor management to attend the daily assessment team meeting or can meet
separately with contractor management immediately following the daily team meeting. Any safety
issues that require corrective action should be communicated immediately to activity management.
Open communication is imperative. Feedback from the activity can prevent inaccuracies from
being included in the findings. The most effective way to resolve misunderstandings is to
promptly contact the management of the activity and request their assistance. This request should
be made by the team leader. By coordinating all communication with activity management
through the team leader, the team leader is in a position to monitor the assessment and ensure it
progresses smoothly.
5.10 Findings and Concerns. The end product of the assessment process is the identification
and reporting of findings and concerns. The assessment report provides activity management with
areas for improvement, as reported through these concerns. Findings and concerns are defined as
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