| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
of information is recorded on the check sheet? How is this information used during the shift?
What documents do you review during shift turnover? How does the turnover check sheet aid
in the document review process?
Are there any control panels that you walk through during shift turnover? If so, how do you
do this and what information does it provide you?
Do you conduct a verbal turnover to the on-coming operator? What type of information do
you pass?
Is a shift crew briefing conducted as part of the turnover process? When is it conducted?
What type of information is passed during the brief? Who attends the brief?
How do you conduct turnover for reliefs that occur during the shift? What type of information
do you pass to your relief? What guidance have you received from activity management
concerning reliefs during the shift?
The information gathered should be evaluated to determine if there are any apparent deviations
from activity requirements. These leads can normally be validated or disproved by using one or
more of the following:
Observations of and interviews with several more operators
Tours of the activity and interviews with shift supervisors
Interviews with radiological control technicians
Interviews with activity managers and operations supervisors
Reviews of operating and program procedures
Interviews with training department personnel
A similar methodology to the one described above can be used to observe and interview control
area operators, maintenance personnel. radiological control technicians, and shift supervisors.
6.12.5 Document Review. Examples of documents that should be reviewed include:
Program and operating procedures
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