| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
Interview questions for operators include:
What are management's goals?
How often do you see management in the activity?
How do you plan for safety?
What is your impression of safety versus production?
Finally, a question that could be asked of training, maintenance, and radiological control
organization personnel is:
What is the working relationship between operations and support organizations (Training,
Maintenance, Radiological Control)?
After completing an interview, the information gathered should be evaluated to determine if there
are any apparent deviations from activity requirements. These leads can normally be validated or
disproved by conducting one or more of the following:
Observations of and interviews with operators
Tours of the activity and interviews with shift supervisors or foremen
Interviews with shift supervisors, activity managers, and operations supervisors
Reviews of operating and program procedures
Interviews with training, maintenance and radiological control organization personnel
6.1.5 Document Review. Activity policies may be reviewed during the assessment to become
familiar with activity operations and management expectations concerning goals and authority.
However, since document review only describes administrative performance, actual performance
should be verified through interviews and observations. Examples of documents that could be
reviewed include:
Management safety policies and goals
Performance indicators
Operations resources and staffing plans
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