| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
provided may not be all inclusive.
6.3.5 Document Review. Examples of documents that should be reviewed when assessing
activities in the control area include:
Program and operating procedures
Control area access lists
Alarm status log
Most document reviews necessary to assess control area activities can be conducted in
conjunction with observations. For example, while observing an operator in the control area,
review control area access lists and other operational postings. If necessary, reviews of program
procedures and other documents that are not routinely used during activity operations can be fit in
between scheduled interviews and observations.
6.4 Assessing Communications.
6.4.1 Discussion. Highly reliable communication provides accurate transmission of
information within an activity. Since accurate communication is essential for the safe and efficient
operation of facilities, guidance should be provided by activity management regarding the use of
all forms of audible communication. This includes oral (face-to-face), telephone, radio, public
address, and special (horns, sirens, and bells) communication equipment and methods used during
operations. Approach. As discussed in Assessing Shift Routines and Operating Practices,
communication is an integral part of shift routines. This "combined" approach of assessing
communications with shift routines is presented in that section. Since it may be necessary to
assess communications separately, the following sections discuss how to assess this area of
conduct of operations only.
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