| ![]() DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
in the lockout and tagout log? How are periodic reviews conducted? How do you record the
discrepancies that you find? Describe the process used to resolve these discrepancies. How is
this documented? What training have you had concerning how to do lockouts and tagouts?
How was the training conducted? Have you received any retraining? Describe the lockout and
tagout notification process.
How is independent verification of lockouts and tagouts and system alignments accomplished
and documented? What training have you received regarding how to do independent
After completing an interview, the information gathered should be evaluated to determine if there
are any apparent deviations from activity requirements. These leads can normally be validated or
disproved by using one or more of the following:
Tours and interviews with operators
Observations of and interviews with control area operators
Tours of the activity and interviews with shift supervisors
Interviews with activity managers and operations supervisors
Reviews of operating and program procedures
Interviews with training and maintenance department personnel
A similar methodology to the one described above can be used to observe other activity
operations and drills, considering that the list of interview candidates and sample questions
provided may not be all inclusive.
6.8.5 Document Review. A list of documents that should be reviewed during the assessment
Program and operating procedures
Equipment deficiency log
Equipment and system alignment checksheets
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