| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
Shift turnover between operators, maintenance personnel, shift supervisors or foremen, and
personnel in the control area;
The recording of data in logbooks or on round sheets by operators, maintenance personnel,
control area operators, and shift supervisors or foremen;
Process water sampling and analysis;
The control and use of activity procedures during routine operations, activities, emergency
situations, and drills;
Placement, control, and removal of jumpers and temporary equipment in use at the activity;
Activity drills and exercises conducted during the assessment;
Operator aids posted throughout the activity;
Number and reason alarms actuated;
The labeling of equipment and systems in the activity. How to Observe. In preparing for and performing observations, there are several
things to keep in mind:
Be familiar with the operations
Be familiar with the guidelines and use them as an expectation baseline
Pay close attention to ensure every detail of the observation is taken in and recorded
Follow your intuition. If something does not look or seem right, check further. Assume your
intuition is correct until your research proves otherwise
Take copious notes. This will make it easier to follow up on your observations
Data gathered from observations should be verified and cross-checked by the following
methods: observe the same operation being performed by different personnel, observe
different operations on the same shift, or observe different shifts performing similar operations
These principles can be applied to all observations conducted during an assessment. For
example, while observing maintenance on a contaminated valve at a waste-water processing
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