| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
What criteria is used to determine what information is included in the required reading binder?
Who is responsible for ensuring that required reading is completed by the assigned due date?
Who is responsible for removing completed reading and the final disposition of
How do you ensure that items you want included in the readings are assigned? (directed to
activity managers who have delegated the program responsibility to a program administrator)
How do you ensure 100-percent completion of reading assignments by operators?
The following questions could be addressed to operators to determine their level of knowledge
regarding the required reading program:
How often do you review the required reading file for assignments?
Do you think the program is valuable? Why or why not?
Tell me about the content of the material from your last reading?
Tell me what you remember about--(a specific document which the person has recently signed
off as complete)
A particularly effective method for assessing the quality of required reading programs is for the
assessor to gain familiarity with several documents included (or that should be included) in the
program and then question the personnel administering and using the required reading program
concerning their knowledge of those specific documents. This will give information on the
process from beginning to end and can be used to assess not only the mechanics of the program,
but also the quality and effectiveness of the overall program objectives, or how effectively the
program gets pertinent information to the workers and supervisors in a timely manner.
After completing an interview, the information gathered should be evaluated to determine if
there are any apparent deviations from activity requirements. These leads can normally be
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