| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
validated or disproved by using one or more of the following:
Interviews with several more operators
Interviews with shift supervisors
Interviews with activity managers and operations supervisors
Reviews of program procedures
Interviews with training and maintenance department personnel
6.14.5 Document Review. Document review provides a good starting point for required
reading assessment. Typically, assessors should review:
The administrative procedure or policy
Reading assignment sheets (there could be a cover sheet for each reading or a centralized
assignment sheet in the front of the binder)
Reading assignment file
Retained documentation and dead file (if required)
Identification of program components can be accomplished during assessment planning and can be
found in the administrative procedure or policy for the activity.
Review of the previous list of documents will allow an assessor to become familiar with how the
program is administered. From the administrative procedure assessors should determine:
Who is responsible for administering the required reading program and who actually assigns
How does management review the program
How are documents screened to ensure appropriate information is directed to the right
operations personnel
Assessors should verify that these actions are actually performed during subsequent document
reviews and interviews. When reviewing the reading assignment sheet, or its equivalent,
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