| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
Questions for supervisors and managers could include:
How do you ensure operators have input into the development of procedures?
When do you use procedures?
What is your understanding of the rules for use of written procedures?
Are immediate changes made to procedures? How do you compensate for the lack of a
normal review process?
What actions are required when an inaccuracy is found in a procedure?
How do you expect operators to use procedures?
How do you ensure that operators are using the correct revision of a procedure?
Questions for procedure writers include:
How do you ensure that operators have input into the procedure writing process?
What is the process time for procedure revisions and changes?
Does process time support the users?
How do you ensure consistency in procedures?
How do you ensure references for procedures are accurate and current?
After completing an interview, the information gathered should be evaluated to determine if there
are any apparent deviations from activity requirements. These leads can normally be validated or
disproved by using one or more of the following:
Observations of and interviews with several more operators
Tours of the activity and interviews with shift supervisors
Interviews with radiological control technicians
Interviews with activity managers and operations supervisors
Reviews of operating and program procedures
Interviews with training and maintenance department personnel
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