| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
Safe condition checks in block 26 on several Tagout Authorization forms do not ensure safe
conditions are established for each of the hazard types identified in block 9. (References: 1, 2)
[Concern: 4]
DISCUSSION: Examples are:
1. A Complex-95-022 states that the hazard is "Contamination" but safe condition check
is marked "N/A".
2. Tagouts A Complex-95-015 and A Complex-95-014 state that the hazard is
"Personnel Contamination" but safe condition checks are marked "N/A".
3. A Complex-95-013 states that the hazards are "Explosion, Fire" but safe condition
check is marked "N/A".
4. A Complex-95-011 states that the hazards are "Electrical shock and flooding of raw
water pump out pit 01A." The safe condition check indicated was a zero voltage check
only which did not address the safe isolation for low temperature/pressure fluid systems
as required in Section 7.3.1 of Reference 2.
Contrary to Reference 2, caution tags are being used for components or systems that are not
functional. (References: 1, 2)
DISCUSSION: Examples are:
1. Caution tagout R-95-004, 244-AR Compressed Air, states that the compressor is
2. Caution tagout B-95-028, 241-B Air Compressor, states that the compressor does
not operate.
Caution tagout AR-95-003 does not specify a precaution or item of information necessary before
the operation of the components covered. (References: 1, 2)
DISCUSSION: The tagout states in block 10, "Leave breaker in OFF position. Do not
operate fan. Operation not covered by SARP." This information does not specify a
precaution to be met prior to operation.
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