| ![]() DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
activity policies and procedures to review when developing the assessment plan. Sections 5.4
and 5.8 provide a detailed explanation of assessment planning and the use of assessment
6.12.3 Observation. Observations of Operations Turnover should be conducted during
walkthroughs and tours of the activity with operators, maintenance personnel, radiological control
technicians, and shift supervisors. If possible, personnel from each group or shift should be
observed during the assessment.
To observe the shift turnover process at an activity, the following methodology could be used:
Observe the shift turnover conducted between an on-coming and off-going operator. Pay
attention to the information passed verbally between the operators concerning activities
planned or in progress, status of activity systems and equipment, and any abnormal conditions
that exist in the activity. Review any narrative logs, round/ tour inspection sheets, and any
other documentation used in the turnover process.
Attend the shift crew briefing. Observe the process used and the information exchanged.
Compare the information disseminated at the briefing with the information that was passed
between the operators during their turnover.
Accompany the operator as he performs his duties. Look for any activities or operations in
progress that were not discussed or briefed at turnover. Also pay attention to the status of
equipment and systems to identify any differences between what was briefed and what you
At the end of the shift, observe the turnover process between this operator and the on-coming
Once the observation has been completed, compare what was observed to the requirements
contained in activity policies and procedures to identify any apparent deviations from
requirements. Pursue these leads using additional observations, interviews, and document
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