| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
6.16.3 Observation. One of the most effective methods of assessing operations procedures is
to observe as many activities as possible that require the use of procedures. Generally, the
observer should review the procedure before observing its use to maximize the benefit of
watching the evolution. In some cases, the assessors review can be concurrent with the
observation. Observations of Operations Procedures should be conducted during walkthroughs
and tours with operators and shift supervisors, and during the conduct of special operations and
drills. The activity plan of the day and plan of the week should be reviewed to determine the time
and place for observing operations and drills. The following can normally be assessed during the
observation of selected procedures:
Operator knowledge of the rules for the use of written procedures
Operator use of written procedures
Operator understanding of and adherence to procedure precautions and prerequisites
Operators' actions when problems are found in the procedure
To observe the use of procedures, start by reviewing the procedure to be observed and look for
potential problems in the procedure. If required, can the procedure be followed step-by-step?
Some examples of what to look for are included in section 6.16.5
When conducting observations, assessors should bring a copy of the procedure with them and
follow along to observe how the operator uses it. When possible, assessors should ask operators
questions about what they are doing and how they are doing it. As many observations as possible
should be conducted during the assessment period.
An effective method for conducting observations is to compare two different operators
conducting the same procedure. This will allow an assessor to see any variations between the
use of procedures by operators. This methodology will also allow an assessor to uncover
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