| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
Use of system prints and other documentation
Physical placement of tags and locks
Lockout and tagout log documentation
Tag entries
Notification process
Several lockouts and tagouts should be observed during the assessment. Observing the activities
and operations discussed above should be supplemented with activity tours and, if necessary,
walkthroughs of the approval, placement, verification, and removal of lockouts and tagouts with
operators, maintenance personnel, and shift supervisors.
To observe an operation that involves placing and verifying tags, the following methodology
could be used:
Observe the preparation, review, and approval process for a lockout or tagout conducted by
the responsible supervisor.
Observe the independent verification of the tagout.
Review the lockout or tagout record sheet, log index, and accompanying tags.
Observe an operator as the required locks or tags are hung.
Verify the personnel placing and verifying tags are properly trained and qualified.
Observe the notification process.
Once the observation has been completed, compare what was observed to the requirements of the
program procedure to identify any deviations from requirements. Pursue these leads using
additional observations, interviews, and document reviews to confirm or disprove them and
determine if programmatic breakdowns or widespread problems exist. A similar process can be
used to observe other aspects of the program.
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