| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
6.9.4 Interview. Interviews of operations and maintenance department personnel should
occur during observations and document reviews. Additional scheduled interviews should also be
conducted to follow up and validate leads. The following personnel could be interviewed during
the assessment:
Operators and maintenance department personnel
Shift supervisors or foremen
Activity managers and operations supervisors
Activity operations department staff
Training department personnel
Interviews conducted to assess the Lockout and Tagout Program should be aimed at determining
the level of knowledge and skills of:
Personnel who conduct maintenance and those that place, verify, and remove locks and tags,
(i.e., operators and maintenance personnel)
Personnel who review, approve, and manage lockouts and tagouts, (i.e., shift supervisors,
activity managers, and operations supervisors)
Personnel who work at the activity but do not review, approve, place or remove locks and
tags (operations department staff)
Based on the information gathered from these interviews, the assessor should determine whether
adequate knowledge of the program is demonstrated by personnel at all levels of the activity. The
assessor can normally conduct a cursory review of lockout and tagout training. If deficiencies
appear to exist at one or more levels, a thorough review of training and other aspects of the
program must be conducted to get to the root of the problem.
Sample questions for interviews with operators, maintenance personnel, shift supervisors, activity
managers, and operations supervisors include:
What is the purpose of the Lockout and Tagout Program? What are your responsibilities
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